Be the Light Youth Convention
"One Lord, one faith, one baptism..."
Thursday April 24, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm MDT
The renowned artist Marc Chagall once expressed the sentiment that "all colors are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites." Made in the image of God, His children have been given the gift of creation. The artistry of God's hand is demonstrated daily as we experience the natural wonders and shapes of the earth. Color shows intricate relationships and harmonious interplay. In this educational session, students explore color theory, guided by a deep understanding of the color wheel and its pivotal role in artistic expression. The session includes practical exercises and helps students build their own color wheel and favorite pallets. Students will learn new methods of self-expression, creativity, and communication of complex ideas and feelings. The color relationships are a schematic that guides artists in color expression and design. The joy of life is color and participants are encouraged to see themselves as artists in progress. 

Ms. Kanadia Zitting ('26)

Junior, Centennial Academy

Ms. Madisen Williams ('26)

Junior, Centennial Academy

Ms. LuAnn Williams

Faculty, Centennial Academy
Thursday April 24, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm MDT
Room 8 Classroom Wing

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